Abbotts View Alpacas is now CLOSED

Once met, never forgotten

We are now closed

Thank you to all of our wonderful visitors over the past 12 years

We have loved every second, every story shared, every smile, every review

We couldn't have done it without you!

James & Jo
We are James, Jo, Amy, Jess and Rosie and we share our family run farm of 22.5 acres in the beautiful Buckinghamshire village of Aston Abbotts with Alpacas, Greyface Dartmoor rare breed sheep, 2 kunekune pigs, 2 guinea pigs, a rabbit, khaki campbell and indian runner ducks, Buckthorn, our RSPCA rescue pony, Sapphire the miniature pony, Pepper, our cavachon dog, Poppet our Schnauzer cross and Loki our tabby cat. We are frequently visited by a barn owl or two, hares, muntjac deer, foxes and badgers.

We bought Abbotts View Farm in 2012 as 22 acres of grass, with planning permission to build a farmhouse. We completed building our Eco Farmhouse in January 2013 which is off grid so we rely on the sun's energy to provide us with electricity, heating and hot water. We have rainwater harvesters to collect the rain which supplies water to our animals and our loos and washing machine. We feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to build the house of our dreams and love being able to look out over our land and animals. It really is very beautiful and we love to share it with others.

We bred alpacas for their luxurious fibre, for their inquisitive nature and as pets for sale. Once you've met and spent time with an alpaca you'll never forget them! Our aim was to raise calm, friendly animals who were a pleasure to be around, and we achieved it!. 

Jo has published two books about alpacas, "And.. are alpacas REALLY scary?!" is aimed at children aged 3-7years and is a rhyming story book which perfectly demystifies alpacas! And her second book "So... what IS an alpaca?" is a photo fact book, follow the links to buy both on Amazon.

In July 2017 we opened our luxury cattery: Abbotts View Farm Cattery

In 2018 Alex & Wes joined us to lead Alpaca Walks. They have done a fantastic job and were a real hit with customers, but sadly left us in September 2021 as they were moving away. They are sadly missed.

in 2019 Alice & Jess joined us to lead our Alpaca Walks on Sundays and they did a fantastic job! In 2021 Sarah & Kelly joined us to lead walks on Saturdays and were wonderful additions to our team. Shani & Saffie joined us in 2022 to help us keep up with demand! Shani left us in 2023 and Carol joined us. Each one of our Group Leaders had a full time job, but being here at the weekends with our lovely animals brought a smile to their faces and a spring to their step which overflowed to our customers. We were very lucky to have them on board.

Whilst we have now closed, we treasure every memory of wonderful visitors, time spent relaxing in the countryside with these extraordinary creatures and count ourselves truly blessed.

Our alpaca van will remain available to hire through 2025 from May and will still have a wonderful view of alpacas because we had to keep a few 😉
About Alpacas imageAbout Alpacas imageAbout Alpacas image
Alpacas are one of the camelid species, closely related to the llama. There are four species of South American camelid: Llamas (Lama glama) and Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) are domesticated and Vicuna (Vicugna vicugna) and Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) remain wild and are protected species.

All four are found mainly in Peru in the Andes, with smaller numbers in Chile and Bolivia. Alpacas were domesticated from the wild vicuna into alpaca six to seven thousand years ago. The Incas were very successful in further refining the alpaca for better fibre quality. When the Spanish invaded Peru in 1532, they destroyed the breeding programmes and the alpacas were decimated in numbers and quality in favour of sheep.

There are now thought to be about 3.5 million alpacas in South America and they are now being successfully bred in North America, Australia, Britain, New Zealand, South Africa, China and throughout Europe.

To find out more click on the links below or buy Jo's alpaca fact book "So .... what IS an alpaca?

Alpaca Welfare
Alpaca Fibre
Alpaca Care